What is it: A film co-written, edited and directed by Olivia Powell, Jingwei Deng, Maaike Klein & GPT-2 AI software. This script was written with an early version of Chat-GPT (chat-GPT-2) as a thought experiment around how to work WITH AI as a tool, and not in service to it. The film highlights the deep-seated biases (particularly around gender) embedded within language and perpetuated across media and technology.
How we made it: The film script was written by feeding phrases and lines of our own writing into GPT-2 (the text generator AI deemed “too dangerous” for public consumption). We then curated, edited and reordered the results to form a narrative, building a story around it that we storyboarded, planned and filmed.
The film is about reclaiming agency and rewriting the dominant narratives produced by and around emergent technologies through our multi-layered narrative, reclaiming back our voices and the voices that get stolen by AI in an empowering way.
The project and our way of working was a form of praxis, demonstrating a work of working with new technologies collaboratively and iteratively. Read our manifesto here.
MA Digital Direction WIP show @ RCA White City
Taken from the shoot