What is it: An exciting and accessible programme for ages 9-14 that builds a love and understanding of science and the future of energy through powerful play, inspiring the next generation to build a more diverse future STEM pipeline. Students can try out their problem solving skills, keeping Curious City running until 2050 in our exciting new game, whilst learning about sustainability and green skills needed for the future.
Primary and secondary pupils learn about different energy sources before designing their own vision for a future city, and secondary students will explore energy mix, uncovering the people and skills that will make the energy transition happen.
What we did: The campaign is supported by a set of learning materials students can use in the classroom and a Wonderbox for Equinor employees to volunteer in schools and run the EnergyTown session - building pride internally as well as inspiring young people with careers. We made a storytelling film that brought this vision to life (embedded below).
My role: I led on the strategy, pitched and won this multiyear programme
IMPACT: Over 71,000 game plays
Reaching 80,000 young people (617 primary school and 281 secondary schools to date)