Creative and strategist

Take my Data

My first group project on MA Digital Direction at the RCA

Our project took recent data privacy controversies on the internet as our jumping off point. Our early interests were in the dialectic between private and public and its relevance to the nature of our online and offline worlds and existences.

The ‘Take my Data’ stunt involved us interviewing passers-by while wearings signs saying ‘TAKE MY DATA’ and giving out flyers with our facebook data printed on it. We used this as a jump off point to interview the public. It motivated our decision to focus our work around the preciousness of offline interactions.

We then collected a database of people’s memories (which we collected by asking what they would not share on social media), that we proposed as an ephemeral database.

The flyers we handed out.

The flyers we handed out.

A shot taken during the public stunt.

A shot taken during the public stunt.